What is Data Studio?

Data Studio application lets you explore data, make multiple workflows, and variate endlessly on those workflows. It allows the ingestion of all kinds of data and their combinations so that you can perform any analysis easily. The studio is made of smaller components that are split into various categories for ingestion, cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing your data. You can select these components and arrange them according to your analysis needs to create your own custom workflow. You can also save a particular sequence of the components that can be reused again.

Furthermore, these components can be configured or custom components can be added by anyone to cater to their workflow requirements. Detailed documentation on the customization and creation of components can be found here.

Scope of the application

  • Explore any kind of data without being tied to a single workflow

  • Perform any kind of analysis on any data within the same umbrella using the Polly components

  • Lets you draw from a large library of components that allows you to clean, filter, analyze and visualize the data

  • Allows usage of scripts and jupyter notebooks

  • Allows you to add your own component to the workflow

  • Lets you add the components in any desired order

  • Provides workflow customization

  • Allows you to extract the selected component order and save it as a defined workflow